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September 28, 2019
Cost of Confinement Nanny in Singapore
October 3, 2019Why You Should Consider Hiring A Confinement Nanny

Your whole world revolves around your little one as you become a mother. The postnatal period is regarded as a crucial time for those parents, primarily for those first-time mothers. You have a lot on your plate such as managing the requirements of your newborn, the recent health complications.
A confinement nanny is recognized to be a professional who offers assistance to the newborn mother to take care of their babies. As you hire them, the process of transition to a mother from a carefree woman becomes easy.
Hiring confinement nanny can be of great help during the period as they make your life easy. They are beneficial in the preparation of confinement meals, taking care of your baby and with other household chores. Here are the benefits; you can reap from hiring a confinement nanny:
Confinement meals
Confinement meals are considered to be vital for the health of new mothers. They provide the prerequisite nutrients to the mother, which were lost during the birth of the child. Thus, the nutrients are useful in healing the body quickly, regaining the energy, and producing a plethora of breast milk.
As you hire the confinement nannies, they design the right confinement meal plan, catering to your preferences and requirements.
Parents can rest properly
According to studies, new parents lose almost forty-four days of sleep every year, on average. The erratic sleeping pattern of your newborn is believed to be responsible for the same. Though the newborn sleep for a lot of time, they tend to wake up more often.
You will be surprised to know that they wake up every 2-4 hours. This can lead to hassles, primarily during the middle of the night or when you are completing the daily chores of your home. In addition to this, the whole process of giving birth is sure to take a toll on the body.
Hence, it is essential to recuperate so that you can take accomplished care of your baby. As you hire the confinement nanny, they will take care of your little one as you are taking a nap or sleeping.
Just because you have given birth to your baby, does not mean that you have to be confined at home all the time. As you hire a confinement nanny, you can run the errand; go shopping, or other important works, without being worried about your little one all the time.
Household Chores
You enjoy the company of your newborn but that does not mean you can turn a deaf ear to your household chores. Also, there will be an increase in your household chores as your baby is born. There will be a pile of dishes and nappies and you need to clean them daily to ensure optimum health and hygiene for your little one. As you hire a confinement nanny, they will help you in completing the household chores within the right time.
If you have the notion that breastfeeding comes naturally to all the mothers, you are wrong. There are wide arrays of women who encounter a series of challenges when it comes to producing the right quantity of milk for their little one.
The problem is interlinked to different postnatal complications like the blockage of the milk duct, inverted nipples, surgery, breast trauma, that might hurt the supply of breast milk. Hiring confinement nannyprovides an indispensable role in this aspect as they offer professional assistance to the new mothers during breastfeeding.
With an ample amount of experience and in-depth knowledge, they offer the required support and counseling for those women who fail to breastfeed properly owing to several medical conditions.
As you give birth to your child, it is almost impossible to handle everything around you alone. As you require an extra pair of helping hands, hiring confinement nannies will help in easing the process. They help to clean the daily errands and thus you can spend ample time during resting or having interaction with your kids.
Keeping the above-said points in mind, it can be said that hiring these confinement nannies can help in making the postnatal experience a comfortable one. They will help you in managing and cleaning the household easily and thus you can take rest during the time. These caregivers can be of immense health during the initial months of your newborn.