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May 28, 2021Is Post-Natal Massage Mandatory After Giving Birth?
Is Post-Natal Massage Mandatory After Giving Birth? For some women, pregnancy is a very stressful and long period due to many changes experienced by their bodies in this period. After giving birth, a full-body massage is considered the best way to get their body back to the original condition.
This massage is known as postnatal massage which helps in making their tissues and muscles that have experienced changes during pregnancy, strong in a natural manner. Before discussing the benefits of this massage after giving birth you must know what this massage is.
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Introduction with a Postnatal Massage
The massage giving to the full-body after delivery is known as post natal massage. Normally this relaxing massage is given to the entire body from the feet of the new mom to her head by a professionally trained masseuse.
During the confinement period of 40 days, full healthcare is also recommended by Ayurveda for the mother and the child and this massage is an important part of this post natal health care program.
This massage is started after the traditional bath with natural remedies and herbs after delivery.
A post-natal massage helps in improving the feeling of relaxation by helping in releasing endorphins as well as improving the flow of blood in the entire body. The muscles of your body that are strained during delivery are also relaxed by the body massages given after delivery.
Importance of postnatal massages after giving birth
Postnatal massages are important for new moms due to various reasons like:
Reduction in swelling:
During delivery, the pressure increases on major blood vessels due to a heavy imbalance in hormones and the uterus causes a reduction in the circulation of blood and swelling in joints due to retention of water.
The circulation of blood in the soft tissues of the body can be improved and toxins and excess fluids can be eliminated from the body by providing postnatal massages.
Fast recovery of the uterus:
The blood and other discharges after delivery can be cleansed naturally by contractions in the uterine when massage after delivery is given on the stomach of the new mom. This massage can help in cleansing and restoring the uterus naturally to its form and size before pregnancy.
Reduce the risk of lumps and blocks in the breasts:
Postnatal massages help in preventing mastitis, loosening the lumps, and improving the flow of milk in the breasts. The milk blocked and stagnating in the ducts of the breasts can cause a bacterial infection known as mastitis.
Improve breastfeeding:
The techniques used in postnatal massages help in stimulating the tissues in the breasts which in turn helps in improving the production of oxytocin. Oxytocin can help in improving breastfeeding by releasing more milk in the beasts.
Reduce stress:
Your body goes through a stressful period during pregnancy due to various types of changes in it. These stresses can be released by rejuvenating your body through the massages after the delivery.
Improve coordination, stability, and posture:
The core muscles become weak after being stretched during pregnancy. The changes in the mass and hormones of the body change the posture of your body to relax its tissues. A massage after delivery can help in strengthening your back along with improving the posture and stability of your body.
Speed up recovery:
Postnatal massages can help in faster recovery of your body by strengthening its muscles. It also helps in giving full attention to your baby along with recovering from the stress of giving birth.
Help in dealing with post-natal depression:
Almost 10-15% of new mothers experience a serious condition of depression after delivery. Stress, anxiety, and emotional sensitivity are some of the naturally experienced aspects by most women after delivery. The messages after delivery help in listening to the needs of your body and fulfilling its requirements.
Help in getting your pre-pregnancy body:
During postnatal massages, masseuse works on the muscles of your stomach to improve the flow of blood in it as well as getting it back to the shape and size before pregnancy. It also helps in regaining the vitality of the body by strengthening its strained muscles.
Make your skin glow:
Massages can help in soothing the tissues along with improving the flow of blood which in turn can help in reducing stretch marks and making your skin glow after pregnancy.
Is Post-Natal Massage Mandatory After Giving Birth? – Conclusion
Thus, post-natal massage is very important for physical as well as emotional recovery after giving birth.